Richmond Steel Scholars

We are a nonprofit organization, promoting youth leadership, community growth, higher performance on the field of contest and increasing student achievement.

For generations the Richmond Steeler Scholars have provided a safe and supportive space for our most promising youth in the City of Pride and Purposes, learning and developing in the game of football, leading to strong youth leadership among our many K-12 academic programs in the neighboring area. In an effort to support our current 9-year-old Scholars, a program has been developed that will support them through a crucial transition in their maturation as scholar athletes. Up until they enter their freshman year of high school, the Steel Scholars program will be a year long wraparound program supporting student athletes in season and beyond. Providing academic essential resources like fully furnished backpacks with learning materials, touring college campuses and attending football games, meeting with current and former college and pro athletes that came from our Rich(mond) community, the Steel Scholars will access an inspiring and engaging program that will lead to higher performance on the field of contest as well as increase student achievement, promoting youth leadership and community growth. Investing in our pride and joy, with precision focus gives each Steel Scholar community member, young and old, a higher sense of commitment, and a clear purpose.